By: Alinaitwe Jotham    


The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) through the Ministry of Bunyoro Affairs has extended a generous donation of farming implements to help farmers increase production and productivity at household level.

This support includes farm equipment such as tractors and hand hoes and building materials like iron sheets.

Hon. Jenifer Namuyangu, the State Minister for Bunyoro Affairs who represented the Prime Minister while presiding over the distribution exercise said that they aim at empowering local farmers and enhance educational facilities across the beneficiary districts which are are Kibaale, Kakumiro, Kagadi, Hoima, Kikuube, Kiryandongo, Buliisa, and Masindi.

“Government recognizes agriculture as the backbone of our country, especially in Bunyoro where it forms a significant part of the livelihoods that is why we are investing in the sector,” said Namuyangu.

The Minister addressed district leaders at Kakumiro District headquarters and school administrators at St. Edward’s SS Bukumi.

During the meeting, Namuyangu highlighted specific contributions made to educational institutions.

She noted that schools such as St. Edward’s SS Bukumi, that begun in 1945 has nurtured several leaders in the country.

The Minister donated 200 iron sheets to aid in infrastructure development.

“So, for a school like St. Edward’s Bukumi, which has nurtured leaders who have served our nation with distinction, it is imperative to invest in its infrastructure to ensure it continues to excel,” emphasized Namuyangu.

John Fisher Njogerere, the Head Teacher St. Edward’s Bukumi SS, expressed gratitude on behalf of the school community for the timely support from the OPM.

“We appreciate the government’s commitment to enhancing our school’s infrastructure. With close to 1,000 students and 45 teachers, our needs are significant, and these iron sheets will contribute greatly to our ongoing efforts to improve our facilities,” said Njogerere.

“We aspire to reclaim our status as one of the top schools in the region and nationally, and with continued support, we believe this vision is achievable.”

The donation of hoes and building materials represents a strategic investment by the government to uplift communities in Bunyoro, fostering economic growth through agriculture while simultaneously improving educational opportunities for future generations.

As efforts continue to revitalize Bunyoro’s agricultural sector and educational institutions, stakeholders remain optimistic about the positive impact of such initiatives on local development and prosperity.
