Hon. Eng. Hillary Onek

Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees


Hon. Esther Davinia Anyakun

Minister of State for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees


Dr. Robert Limlim

Director / DRDIP

Dr. Robert Limlim is the Director of the Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (DRDIP) a Government of Uganda social protection and development based Programme implemented under the Office of the Prime Minister.

Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (DRDIP)

Project Background

DRDIP is a World Bank funded multi-regional project covering four countries in the East African Region.  DRDIP-Uganda, is five-year projected implemented under the Office of the Prime Minister.  The project provides development and direct income support to the poor and vulnerable within refugee hosting districts in Uganda.  DRDIP Uganda is funded by a USD 150 million grant and a USD 50 million IDA loan, approved by the World Bank in 2017 and became effective on June 17th 2017.

The development objective of DRDIP is to improve access to basic social services (health, education, water and sanitation), expand economic opportunities and enhance environmental management for refugee host district communities and settlements. The project addresses the social economic, and environmental impacts of protracted refugee presence in the host communities and refugee settlements through interlinked investment components.

DRDIP is currently being implemented in 15 Refugee hosting districts of Arua, Koboko, Yumbe, Moyo, Adjumani, Obongi, Madi-Okollo and Terego in the West Nile sub region), Lamwo, in Acholi sub region; Hoima, Kikuube, Kiryandongo in the Bunyoro sub region; Isingiro, Kyegegwa and Kamwenge in the South-Western sub-region.  DRDIP components include; (i) Supporting investments in social services and economic infrastructure and building of the capacity of local Government units (ii), Environmental Management activities (iii), Investment in traditional and non-traditional livelihoods and (iv), support of the national and local level project coordination activities


For over five decades, Uganda has provided asylum to people fleeing war and persecution from many countries, including its neighbors. Uganda is a party to key refugee conventions and international human rights treaties, and currently hosts over 1.35 million refugees, the majority from South Sudan (75%), the Democratic Republic of Congo (17%), Burundi (3%), and Somalia (3%). When renewed conflict broke out in South Sudan in July 2016, an unprecedented number of refugees came to Uganda, doubling the refugee population in less than seven months. Uganda has since become the largest refugee–hosting country in Africa, with refugees making up 3.5% of the country’s total population of 39 million. The economy faces challenges, compounded by adverse weather and spill–over from the civil unrest in South Sudan.

In response to the impacts of forced displacement on refugee-hosting countries and communities in HOA, the proposed operation is a multi–country development response by the respective Governments of Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Uganda. The proposed regional operation addresses the unmet social, economic and environmental needs of the local communities both host and displaced (refugees and returnees) in targeted areas of the three proposed project countries. The projection Uganda will be implemented in the districts of Adjumani, Arua, Moyo Yumbe, Koboko, Isingiro, Kamwenge, Kiryadongo, Kyegegwa, and Lamwo.