Karamoja – Office of the Prime Minister – A Coordinated, Responsive and Accountable Government for Socio-Economic Transformation

WFP to set up a Regional Logistics hub in Uganda – Country Director

By: Ismael Kasooha KAMPALA The World Food Programme (WFP) is planning to set up a logistic hub in Uganda for the region. “We are planning to establish a logistics hub for the entire region here in the country to supply the surrounding countries,” said Abdirahman Meygag, the World Food Programme Country Director. Meygag revealed this

By |2024-05-08T15:37:02+03:00May 8th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Karamoja, Refugees|Comments Off on WFP to set up a Regional Logistics hub in Uganda – Country Director

Hon. Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny  and Hon. Agnes Nandutu  hand over offices to newly appointed Ministers

By: Ismael Kasooha KAMPALA Hon. Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny, the former State Minister for Northern Uganda and hon Agnes Nandute former State Minister for Karamoja Affairs have  officially handed over their duties and offices  to the newly appointed Ministers, Dr. Kenneth Omona the new State Minister for Northern Uganda and Hon. Nambozo Florence the new State

By |2024-04-09T16:54:58+03:00April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Featured, Karamoja, Northern Uganda Rehabilitation|Comments Off on Hon. Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny  and Hon. Agnes Nandutu  hand over offices to newly appointed Ministers
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