By: Ismael Kasooha


The Government has declared that the late Archbishop Emeritus of Mbarara Archdiocese Most Rev. Paul Bakyenga shall be accorded an official burial.

Bakyenga who was the Archbishop of Mbarara from January 2, 1999 until April 25, 2020, died on Tuesday morning at Nsambya Hospital in Kampala, where he had gone for routine medical checkups.

The pronouncement was made by the Prime Minister of Uganda Robinah Nabbanja while chairing the National Organizing Committee for the burial of Bakyenga that took place at the Office of the Prime Minister in Kampala.

Nabbanja said that President Yoweri Museveni had instructed her to organize an official burial of the Bakyenga.

“H.E the president has instructed me to organize an official burial for the late Archbishop emeritus Paul Bakyenga for his outstanding contribution to the Church and the country,” said Nabbanja.

Nabbanja added that by that pronouncement, all burial expenses would be met by the Government including feeding all the mourners and other costs that would be incurred.

The Premier said that Archbishop Bakyenga contributed greatly to the development of the country and it was befitting to be accorded an official burial.

The Archbishop of Mbarara Archdiocese Rt. Rev. Lambert Bainomugisha lauded the government for according Bakyenga an official burial.

Bainomugisha thanked the President for the gesture accorded to Bakyenga because he was a patriot and also loved his church.

“On behalf of the people of Mbarara Archdiocese I want to thank the Government and the President for according our Archbishop an official burial. The Most Rev. Bakyenga loved the Church and his country,” said Bainomugisha.

The planning meeting was attended by the State Minister for Finance, Henry Musasizi, Public Service State Minister Mary Grace Mugasa, Permanent Secretaries, Catholic Church representatives, the police, UPDF and family members.

The late Archbishop Paul Bakyenga shall be accorded a gun salute and his body shall be laid to rest in Nyamitanga Cathedral.

The Mbarara Archdiocese archbishop emeritus died at the age of 79 and shall be buried on Sunday.