By: Ismael Kasooha


A three-day Farmer Mobilisation, Education, Value-addition and Service Delivery campaign in the Districts of Lwengo, Kyotera, Rakai and Masaka ended on Sunday 30th June 2024 with all farmers visited stressing the need for water for production to increase on productivity and profitability.

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Nabbanja Robinah addressing farmers in Rakai District

The Prime Minister together with Ministers Fred Bwino Kyakulaga (Minister of State for Agriculture), Aisha Ssekindi (Minister of State for Water), Haruna Kasolo (State Minister for Microfinance) and local leaders visited several model farmers before speaking to the people at the expos in the three districts.

The prosperous farmers visited included Francis Xavier Kyagulanyi from Lwengo District, Salongo Njawuzi Jolly from Kyotera District, Luwagga Eriazale from Rakai District, Nyombi Posiano and Nakalema Specioza Tamale from Masaka District.

“When the dry spell jets in our coffee is adversely affected leading to lower production and even the quality of our products is low,” said Kyagulanyi.

Njawuzi Salongo from Kyotera District engaged in fish farming, coffee production and skills development said that water scarcity reduces their production and hence affects productivity and profitability.

“We require government intervention by providing us big scale irrigation machinery so that we can realize our goal of increased production and productivity,” said Njawuzi.

Nakalema Specioza said that if she had irrigation facilities, she would more than double her production.

Nakalema, a widow but involved in commercial farming said that her piggery project where she has over 45 pigs needs water all the time on top of her coffee plantation.

The farmers thanked the Government for creating a peaceful environment that has enabled them to engage in commercial agriculture.

They also thanked the Government for the various forms of support it has extended to them such as setting up on their farms small irrigation facilities.

The campaign was led by the Office of the Prime Minister in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries as well as other Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs) and private agro-input dealers.

This nationwide campaign includes agricultural expos, visiting model farmers and knowledge-sharing sessions.

It has previously been held in Kalungu, Bukomansimbi, Mpigi, Gomba, Sembabule, Mubende, Kiboga, Kyankwanzi, Mityana, Kasanda, Nakaseke, Luwero, Nakasongola, Kibaale, Kagadi and Kakumiro Districts.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja told farmers at the agricultural expos in Lwengo, Kyotera, Rakai and Masaka Districts that the campaign was designed to implement the six policy guidelines issued by President Yoweri Museveni in 2022.

They include production, multiplication, distribution, and certification of seeds and stocking materials; disease control; agricultural mechanization and irrigation; farmer education and mobilization; partnerships with big landowners and Interventions in the fisheries sector.

Fred Bwino Kyakulaga, the State Minister for Agriculture said the Government would establish water points in the districts to provide the farmers with water for production.

At the expo venues, there were several agricultural inputs, equipment and various types of food items on the exhibition stalls. The farmers had an opportunity to interact with various agricultural experts at the expos.

Haruna Kasolo, the Minister of State for Micro-finance, who also participated in the campaign, asked the farmers to take advantage of the Parish Development Model and Emyooga to achieve socioeconomic transformation.

MPs Dr. Twaha Kagabo (Bukoto South Constituency Legislator), Ssentayi Muhammad (Bukoto West Constituency legislator) Juliet Kinyamatama (Woman MP Rakai District) and Ssemwanga Gyaviira, (Member of Parliament for Buyamba County) lauded the Government for the initiative.

During the campaign, the Prime Minister donated to some of the farmers equipment and livestock as well as motorcycles to the Agricultural Extension workers on behalf of the President.
