The Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja has said the role of women in development cannot be downplayed since they are the pillars and main contributors in building strong societies.

The Premier made the remarks in her speech which was delivered by the Minister of State for Luwero- Rwenzori Triangle at the 8th Annual Retreat of Women of Hope in Buikwe District on 3rd December 2021.

Women of Hope is a charity organisation in Uganda and it operates in four districts. It supports communities by empowering women, children, the youth and the elderly through different initiatives, including; providing them with job opportunities, reskilling programs and sharing information and knowledge about HIV/AIDS. The focus areas of the activities undertaken by the organisation are; Health, Education, Livelihood, Capacity Building and Religion among others.

The Prime Minister commended the organization for its efforts towards improving society by transforming the lives of the citizens. She urged the members of the organization to embrace government programs like the Parish Development Model aimed to improve the welfare of the people.

“The Government has adopted the Parish Development Model through which development will be channelled and services brought closer to the people. Organised and registered groups like women of Hope will have an advantage over those that are not organised, there is no doubt that the future is for the organised,” the Prime Minister stated.

She also thanked the NRM government for providing a platform that has enabled women in the country to become emancipated.

“We cannot celebrate the significant achievements of the Women of Hope without acknowledging and applauding the contribution of NRM under the leadership of H. E Yoweri Museveni Kaguta for the unparalleled support and platform that has been granted to the girl child and women emancipation in this country,” Nabbanja noted.

Nabbanja called upon the community to continue observing the COVID-19 standard operating procedures. She contributed UG 3 million towards the SACCO of the organisation.

The Minister of State for Luwero-Rwenzori Triangle, Hon. Alice Kaboyo applauded the organisation for undertaking many projects aimed to enhance development in the country, including using sports to engage the youth and fight against idleness in communities.

On behalf of the ministry of Luwero-Rwenzori Triangle, Hon. Kaboyo pledged to contribute UGX 20 million towards the SACCO of Women of Hope.

The Minister of State, Office of the Vice President and also Woman Member of Parliament for Buikwe District, Hon. Diana Mutasingwa asked the residents to emulate the founders of Women of Hope by embracing love, peace and harmony in the area.

She pledged to support the locals to fight against land grabbing in the area.

The founders of Women of Hope, Mr and Mrs Kayiwa thanked the government for supporting the organisation and requested that the presidential pledges made in 2016 regarding supporting the activities of the organisation be fulfilled. They also called upon the public to support the organization.

The event was also attended by the clergy and political leaders. Ends.