Ismael Kasooha 


The Vice President Major (Rtd) Jessica Alupo has asked teachers in the country to address the challenge of high moral decadence which is affecting the teaching of children.

Alupo made the appeal today while talking to teachers in Kakumiro District at Kakeeka playground in Kakumiro District.

The VP said that teachers should not only consider teaching in class but also ensure they model the children holistically to reduce on moral decadence in the country.

She lauded the teachers in the country for the work they were doing and assured them that government was committed to addressing the issues affecting them.

While addressing the teachers during the education transformation training, the Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja expressed concern that despite the government’s efforts in investing in education, performance had remained low which prompted stakeholders to engage and lay strategies for improvement.

Nabbanja said that some teachers could not concentrate on teaching because of the multiple loans acquired which they could not manage servicing.

The Minister of State for Education in charge of Higher Education Dr. Chrysestom Muyingo told teachers that government would not hesitate to terminate the services of drunkard teachers and those absenting themselves from class.

Kakumiro District Education Officer William Baleke said that education transformation required concerted efforts of the parents, Teachers and the pupils.

The education transformation stakeholders’ engagement was organized by the Office of the Prime Minister to address gaps in the education sector and will be rolled out to other districts in the entire country.

The engagement was also addressed by the State Minister for Public Service, Hon. Mary Grace Mugasa and officials from the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit as well as from the Ministry of Education ans Sports among others.
