The Third National Nutrition Forum

The 3rd National Nutrition Forum aims to promote integrated policy research and identify innovative policy solutions and investments for nutrition interventions. This will help accelerate progress toward national nutrition targets and development goals.

The National Nutrition Forum’s strategic objective is to be recognized as a premier international forum that showcases new developments in the field of nutrition in Uganda. It aims to share new ideas among stakeholders, disseminate research results and development experiences, provide
networking opportunities, and strengthen existing connections while forging new ones. The outcomes of the 3rd National Nutrition Forum will also enhance the effective implementation and achievement of UNAP II targets.

The Office of the Prime Minister will be organizing the 3rd National Nutrition Forum through its implementation coordination role. The main agenda of the forum is to bring together leading practitioners, industry leaders, policymakers, business professionals, and academics in the field of food and nutrition to generate practical solutions for the current challenges in this field.

The Forum will feature Oral presentations, poster presentations/ exhibition, Panel discussions, workshops, Lightning talks, roundtable discussions and virtual presentations. This is an opportunity for all state and non-state actors in the nutrition sector to come together under the multi-sectoral nutrition accountability framework. The forum will also explore and develop accelerated actions, financing, and expenditure tracking for efficient implementation and monitoring of nutrition interventions.

Rationale for the 3rd National Nutrition Forum

The National Nutrition Forum (NNF) is a partnership platform that brings together all stakeholders involved in the scaling up nutrition (SUN) network. The scaling up Nutrition (SUN) movement recognises 5 SUN platforms/networks (Government led platform, civil society network, Development partners’ network, Research and Academia network and the Business network. All this 5 networks are active in Uganda and coordinated by the Office of the Prime Minister.

The first National Nutrition Forum was held on 3rd December 2013, and the second one on 15th March 2018. During these forums, challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned were shared, and commitments to the multi-sectoral strategy of scaling up nutrition in Uganda were reaffirmed.

Additionally, recommendations for action by different actors at various levels were proposed. The third NNF will provide an opportunity for the nutrition community to take stock of what has been achieved within the context of the 2nd National Nutrition Forum outcomes, national planning frameworks such as NDPII and NDPIII, and reflect on the successes, lessons learned, and good practices to sustain the momentum towards ending malnutrition in all its forms in Uganda.

Furthermore, the implementation of the second Uganda Nutrition Action Plan (UNAPII) requires the Government to work closely with its partners in a well-coordinated approach. The NNF is the platform that supports the delivery of effective nutrition outcomes across the country.

Theme, Sub themes and Objectives

Theme – UNLOCKING NUTRITION’S POTENTIAL: Accelerating Multi-sectoral Actions and Strategic Investments for Enhanced Nutrition Security.

Sub themes:

  • Food Security & Nutrition
  • CATALYZING CHANGE: The Links of Nutrition and Healthcare Initiatives
  • NUTRITION SECURITY IN REFUGEE CONTEXTS: Strategies for Sustainable Humanitarian Response
  • SUSTAINING MINDS, BUILDING FUTURES: Nutrition in Uganda’s Education
  • Innovative financing for food and nutrition resilience
  • Partnerships for nutrition Governance

Objectives of the 3rd National Nutrition Forum

The objectives of the forum are:
i)  To take stock of the progress made in the implementation of UNAP II commitments on nutrition security in Uganda
ii) To facilitate broad-based dialogue and networking among all relevant stakeholders
iii) To generate practical solutions and pathways for accelerating the achievement of sustainable optimal nutrition results
iv) Develop actions for accelerated delivery of UNAP II in the short and medium terms with the context of NDPIV and the midpoint of the SDGs

Expected Output, When, Where and Participants

Expected Output

i)  The 3rd National Nutrition Forum Report (including technical papers and forum proceedings).
ii) 3rd National Nutrition Forum Declaration and Outcome Document (to be read at the closing ceremony and form the basis for collective action by all  stakeholders).

When:  13th – 17th May 2024

Where:  Mestil Hotel, Kampala


Ministers, Political leaders, Government Ministries Departments and Agencies, Local Governments, Development Partners, Civil society, academia private sector, cultural and religious leaders and communities at local level

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