By: Julius Mucunguzi

President Yoweri Museveni on 23rd December 2021 officially closed a retreat of political and technical officials from the Office of the Prime Minister with a call to civil servants to prioritise service delivery and transformation of the quality of lives of Ugandans.

Museveni also thanked the new political leadership in OPM led by Rt. Hon Robinah Nabbanja for steering the office well so far, especially regarding increasing the intensity of field monitoring and supervision of Government Programmes.

The retreat took place at the National Leadership Institute Kyankwanzi in November but the official closure was held at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds in Kampala.

President Museveni explained how the NRM principles of Patriotism, Pan Africanism, Democracy and Social Economic Transformation are interlinked and are key drivers for the development of Africa.

In her remarks, Prime Minister Rt. Hon Robinah Nabbanja said the retreat had brought more cohesion, focus, energy and unity of purpose in OPM and that already, results of enhanced field supervision of projects and programs, effective coordination, time management and better conduct of meetings were being observed.

OPM Permanent Secretary, Mr Keith Muhakanizi said that as part of the reforms for improvement of performance, the office has embarked of steps to enhance staff confidence, mutual respect and strict adherence to observation of the laws of Uganda, especially those relating to public procurement and public finance management.
Here are some photos from the Retreat Closing ceremony.
Here is the link to the Prime Minister’s remarks
Here is the link to the Permanent Secretary’s remarks. END