By: Ismael Kasooha


Leaders at different levels in Kakumiro District have been challenged to change their mindset if the recently launched Parish Development Model (PDM) is to succeed.

Major General Sam Kavuma, the Deputy Commandant of Operation Wealth Creation, and Maj. Gen. Felix Kulayije, the UPDF Spokesperson while training leaders from Kakumiro District said that leaders have a pivotal role to play in the success of the model.

“If God gives you leadership, you are doing it on his behalf. I appeal to you to change your mindset as leaders if the people we lead can transform and benefit from PDM,” said Kavuma.

He said that the new Parish Development Model should be handled carefully so that it does not encounter the challenges earlier programmes faced.

He said that titles without impacting the lives of the people are nothing.

“Why do you want to be called honorable when you cannot help your people out of poverty”? Asked Kavuma.

The Army Spokesperson Felix Kulayigye warned leaders against people who are always complaining and lamenting.

“The book of lamentations was completed with 5 chapters. Why do you want to add another one. People who keep lamenting are unconscious enemies and must be avoided,” said Kulayigye.

He said that leaders must know that they are in such positions for a purpose which must be fulfilled.

“If you don’t understand and appreciate the purpose why you are living then you are just a Zombie,” said Kulayigye.

The Minister of Local Government, Hon. Raphael Magyezi, while addressing Kakumiro District leaders said that the NRM government aims at addressing subsistence households to enter the money economy.

“You need to increase your production and productivity so that our people can also enter the money economy if they have what to sell in the market,” said Magyezi.

He said that PDM aims at helping the people outside the cash economy to also earn something.

The Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja told the leaders that the PDM is a game changer in ensuring that the 39% Ugandans outside the money economy also join the cash economy.

“This programme is not for you the leaders who are well-to-do but rather intended to deal with those still trapped in the subsistence cycle. If all these people can enter the money economy then Uganda will have achieved its vision of middle income status,” said Nabbanja.

She said that land is increasingly becoming limited and therefore leaders should help their people in selecting the best enterprises depending on the size of land.

Nabbanja assured the leaders that this is a well-thought out programme by His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni and a game changer.

Nabbanja asked the people with less than 4 acres of land to concentrate on high value crops such as onions, watermelons, vegetables, poultry and piggery instead of growing maize and sugar cane which require large chunks of land.

Members of Parliament from Kakumiro District led by the State Minister for Transport Hon. Fred Byamukama said that they are optimistic that the local people will benefit.

“As leaders, we are very optimistic that our people will benefit greatly from this intervention. As leaders, we need to encourage them to embrace it as soon as possible,” Byamukama added.

The Parish Development Model has seven pillars aimed at increasing agricultural production, productivity, value addition, financial inclusion among others.
