Thursday, August 19, 2021.

By Mugerwa Michael            

The European Union Ambassadors and the Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja held a maiden meeting to discuss development cooperation. This engagement comes at a time when the country is starting the implementation of the third National Development Plan amidst challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting took place at the Office of the Prime Minister in Kampala.

The Prime Minister appreciated the tremendous support from Development Partners towards implementation of Government programs. Development Partners have supported the implementation of National Development Plans through technical assistance, budget and project support.

Nabbanja highlighted issues that need increased engagement with development partners, in order to effectively support implementation of government programs.

These include dealing with vulnerabilities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, operationalization of the National Coordination Secretariat at the Office of the Prime Minister, impact evaluation capacity of Government, among others.

The EU has been working on a paper about development cooperation with the Ministry of Finance. The Premier was informed that the concept paper addresses issues on Global environment challenges, creation of jobs, support to judicial reforms and refugee management.

The EU delegation commended Government for hosting refugees with an open door policy. They pledged continued support to the NDPIII. The Prime Minister informed the delegation about the Parish Development Model Strategy. She said this approach is intended to facilitate Government to reach the vulnerable people.

The meeting was attended by State Minister for Regional Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Okello Oryem and State Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Esther Anyakun. END.