By: Ismael Kasooha


Senior managers at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) are undergoing a Leadership and Governance training aimed at enhancing performance in service delivery.

The training is taking place at the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) in Kampala.

ESAMI is an intergovernmental Regional Management Development Center with its head office located in Arusha, Tanzania.

According to Mr. Geoffrey Sseremba, the Undersecretary and Accounting Officer at OPM, the objectives of the three-day training include Equipping Senior Managers with transformational leadership and good governance skills, enhancing top managers’ capacities to successfully implement and lead change initiatives in OPM and respective departments, divisions, sections and projects and also to enhance allocative, administrative absorptive capacity for the financial resources earmarked for planned activities.

Sseremba said that the training also aims at maximizing the performance of senior managers by understanding human behavior and focusing on needs of individuals and team.

Dr. Michael Kakooza, the lead facilitator, said that government employees need to appreciate change if they are to improve performance in service delivery.  “Change will be achieved if you set activities that will lead you to better outputs that can transform service delivery,” said Kakooza.  He reminded the managers the need to understand the role of values, attitudes and behavior in the management of change to improve service delivery.

Some of the topics discussed include leadership and good governance in the public sector, styles of leadership, result oriented leadership and change management, strategic communication and negotiation skills, performance based management and enterprise risk management.

The training started 16th March 2023 and is scheduled to end 20th March 2023.
