
The Karamoja Integrated Disarmament and Development Programme (KIDDP) is a medium-term development framework specifically tailored to address the unique context and development challenges in the Karamoja region.

The overall objective of KIDDP is to contribute to human security and promote conditions for recovery and development in Karamoja as part of the broader National Development Plan and the Peace, Recovery and Development Programme (PRDP).

KIDDP harmonizes the various development interventions by Government, bi-lateral and multi-lateral development partners, international and national NGOs, and CBOs.

It, therefore, represents an attempt by the Government of Uganda to integrate development interventions;
conflict management and peacebuilding


1. Housing facilities for people in Karamoja improved.

2. Food and nutrition security for the poor and vulnerable households improved.

3. Crop and livestock production and productivity increased.

4. The quality of education in Karamoja improved.

5.Clean and safe water for human consumption and for livestock production provided

6. Institutional structures built

7. Cattle in high-risk areas branded

8. Gardens opened for crop growing


Coordination of the implementation of KIDDP (Karamoja Integrated Development Program)

1. 4 KIDP TWG Regional Meetings conducted.
2. 4 National KIDP TWG meeting conducted
3. Two (2) Karamoja Policy Committee (KPC) Meetings conducted
4. Four (4) Cross border meetings held and facilitated
5. Peacebuilding initiatives supported
6 . The KIDP Annual Workplan updated
7. Two Elders’ meetings facilitated and conducted
8. Staff Capacity Building: Training and short courses
9. Karamoja Contract Staff Salaries paid
10. Common User Items (Allowances, Electricity, Water, ICT Maintenance, Fuel, Telecommunication, Cleaning Services, Maintenance – M E&F, Maintenance Others)

Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Completion of four (4) dormitories and eight kitchen blocks for Education Infrastructure 2. Four dormitory blocks constructed in Karamoja districts. 3 Kitchens constructed in Karamoja constructed in Karamoja: Lobalangit P/S and Kopoth P/S in Kaabong District; Alerek P/S in Abim District; Nakwakwa P/S in Kotido District; Lolachat P/S in Nakapiripirit District and Karita P/S in Amudat P/S 2. 10 Cattle crushes constructed in Abim and Amudat Districts

Pacification and development

  1. 1. Ten(10) Parish valley tanks constructed in Abim, Amudat and Kotido2. 10,000 Iron Sheets Procured and distributed to families in Karamoja

    3. 2,000 Ox -ploughs procured and distributed to farmers in Karamoja

    4. 1,400 Oxen procured and distributed to farmers Karamoja.

    5. 15,000 Hand hoes procured and distributed to farmers in Karamoja

    6. 100 Bulls and 100 Heifers for cattle breed improvement procured and distributed in collaboration with Nabwin

    7. 1,500 Heifers procured and distributed

    8. 30 Micro projects and NGOs/Agencies supported in Karamoja

    9. 1,000 local breed goats procured for farmers in Karamoja

    10. Support to Koblin Child Rehabilitation Centre provided

    11. Support to Community Development

    12. Support to Health Infrastrucutre Development and Rehabilitation in Karamoja

    13. Procurement of improved seeds for farmers in Karamoja

    14. 25,000 Cattle branded in Karamoja

    15. Irrigation water for 12 farmers in Karamoja provided

    16. Nakapiripirit-KatakwiiAmuria-Napak-Abim border surveyed

Key Achievements

Coordination of the implementation of KIDDP (Karamoja Integrated Development Program)

  1. Held Two (01) KIDP TWG Regional Meetings
  2. Conducted Six (06) National TWG Meetings
  3. Held and facilitated One (01) Cross Border Meeting
  4. Held One (01) Peace Building Meeting
  5. Held Two (02) Monitoring trips

Pacification and development

  1. Disbursed funds to MWE and design studies were undertaken for the construction of valley tanks
  2. Completed Evaluation and Contract cleared by the Solicitor General for 1,600 Oxen
  3. Signed MoU between Nabwin and OPM and Implementation procuring 100 bulls planned for Q3
  4. Procured and distributed 2,025 Heifers Appraised and recommended 2 Micro-Projects for funding
  5. Disbursed UGX 615M to Namalu Prisons to support the School Feeding Program in Karamoja
  6. Procured Cassava cuttings and fast-maturing seeds. The distribution is planned for Q3
  7. Survey of all eight sites completed. The contractor asked for contract renewal and this has been approved.
  8. Developed the Bills of Quantities for Surveying and monumentation of NakapiripiritKatakwi border, Amuria Napak and Abim border by MLHUD

Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

  1. Completed Two Dormitory blocks and Two VIP latrines, ready for handover. Payments effected.
  2. Conducted quarterly monitoring of construction works
  3. Facilitated the joint inspection of 6 local governments
  4. Conducted an Evaluation of Education infrastructure
  5. Procured 10,000 Iron Sheets. Identification of beneficiaries in progress, Distribution planned for Q3 Constructed
  6. Twenty housing shades