By: Derrick Senyonga


The UPDF Engineering Brigade anticipates to complete the construction of temporary storage space at the OPM Namanve stores within a week. The alternative storage space has been set up in the yard to store items during the renovation works on the main structure of the store main store which is set to begin before end of month.

Office Block constructed out of the containers

The Contract Management Team led by the Principal Systems Administrator, Mr. Robert Lwasa and flanked by Ms. Susan Akuma, the Principal Assistant Secretary undertook a routine inspection yesterday to ascertain the progress on the site.

“This week, we shall be done with the structure including painting,” revealed Mr. Etayu Isaac, the UPDF Engineering Brigade Foreman found at the site. “Because the plaster is going to be completed tomorrow, then the painting  team will also come in,” he added.

The Contract Management Team, relying on previous reports inquired on the progress of the back filling and the leveling of the yard, the construction of toilets at the office block, costing as well as electrical works.

Mr. Etayu revealed that the works on the two toilets at office block would commence the next day. He revealed that, the drainage works in the yard would begin after the completion of the works on the office block made out of the containers. He further committed to consult his superiors on the drainage channel.

The office structure at OPM stores in Namanve

Mr. Lwasa asked the Engineering Brigade to share a brief on how the drainage will be handled.  “I don’t know whether it has been costed already. We need to know the cost of doing that drainage.” he added.

During the visit, there was a heavy downpour at the site which prompted the inspection team to probe the availability of gutters on the office block and plans for water harvesting.

“We need to think of a storage so that it can help the people here especially when there is a shortage.  Even for the construction works on the site, this harvested water could be helpful.” said Ms. Akuma who added that a 10,000 Litre tank could be recommended to Management.