By: Charles Odongtho


The Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister, on Wednesday visited Bunambutye, in Bulambuli District, to assess the status of the relocation exercise currently going on by the Office of the Prime Minister.

Mr. Dunstan Balaba, Permanent Secretary OPM (centre) addressing the relocated persons who were at risk of landslides in Bududa District

On Saturday 19th August, 2024, the OPM started relocating the first batch of 242 households at risk of landslides in Bududa District, to safer areas in Bunambutye, Bulambuli District. The urgent decision was taken following directives by the Prime Minister that the President does not want to hear any more deaths from disasters, especially if they can be avoided.

This group of 242 households are currently being hosted temporarily at Bunambutye Primary School, a facility constructed by the OPM, as their 506acre land for relocation is being surveyed and parceled to diffetent families.

In 2022, Cabinet directed that each family be given 10m Shs by Government, on top of the 7m top-up by an NGO, GiveDirectly, to facilitate them to construct a befitting family house on the 506acre land bought by Government through the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Ag. Head of Department, Mr. Jimmy Ogwang in Bulambuli addressing the relocated persons who were at risk of landslides in Bududa District while the PS (2nd right) looks on

During yesterday’s visit by the Permanent Secretary, Mr Dunstan Balaba, he counselled his staff on ground in Bulambuli and Bududa to ensure the work is handled with utmost sensitivity as families are being moved from their ancestral homes of many years. He cautioned the OPM staff to be humane and ensure that every effort is made to make the exercise go on smoothly.

The PS directed the staff to ensure that every penny received for the operation is accounted for to the dot so that there is no querry following the exercise.

A section of relocated persons listening to OPM Officials at Bulambuli District, Bunambutye Settlement

He said he was visiting the area to ensure that he thinks together with his staff on the best solutions to guarantee a smoother and more effective relocation exercise.

During the PS’s address to the re-settlers, he explained that the challenges of facilities at the holding center, as well as clearance of the access to the new land, were all being fast tracked to ensure they start accessing the facility as soon as possible.
