By: Ismael Kasooha


Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja on Tuesday met the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ambassador to Uganda H.E Jamal Muhammad Hassan and discussed a wide range of issues between the two sister countries.

The meeting took place at the office of the Prime Minister in Kampala.

Relations between Uganda and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been on for the last 50 years and continue developing steadily as a result of high level visits and the willingness to work together.

“As you know, relations between Uganda and Saudi Arabia are cordial. Your presence here demonstrates this. Our warm relations were also highlighted by the visit of our President to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2015, where he met with King Salman and the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Countries and addressed the Saudi Chamber of Commerce and Industry,” noted Nabbanja.

Nabbanja met the Saudi Ambassador to discuss how to expedite some issues between the two countries especially in trade and investment.  Uganda and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are to sign MoUs meant to further strengthen bilateral relations and foster trade among the two countries.

The Premier acknowledged the support of the Saudi government to the people of Uganda especially in health, education and economic benefits.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has refurbished and equipped Yumbe and Kayunga Hospitals and also contributed towards the rehabilitation of Amelo Technical Institute in Adjumani District, Bukedea Technical Institute in Bukedia District, Bukomero Technical Institute in Kiboga District, and Lyantonde Technical Institute in Lyantonde District,” she said.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has continued to support the Islamic University in Uganda among other institutions.

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia H.E Jamal Muhammad Hassan asked the Prime Minister to ensure that the process of signing the MoUs is expedited for mutual benefit.  “We request the government of Uganda to expedite the processes involved in signing the Memorandum of understanding between the two countries so that business can thrive,” said Jamal.

Uganda and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have potential areas of Economic Cooperation that include, notably, investments in the following sectors: Oil and Gas exploration, Agri-Business, Fisheries, Tourism, Mining and Energy and Pharmaceuticals.

All the concluded cooperation frameworks need to be implemented and outstanding agreements and MoUs completed to give confidence to both parties and encourage their respective private sectors to engage more fruitfully.
