
To initiate, design coordinate and Implement special programmes and projects for the
troubled and disadvantaged areas of Northern Uganda and Karamoja Regions


  1. Promoting peace dialogue aimed at resolving armed conflict in Northern Uganda
  2. Ensuring fulfillment of Presidential pledges to war victims and the general rehabilitation of the war-affected areas in Northern Uganda including support to war victims and provision of resettlement Kits
  3. Undertake monitoring and supervision of Government programmes and activities implemented under the PRDP


Implementation of PRDP coordinated and monitored

  1. District Planning meetings held to prepare 64 annual and quarterly work plans.2. Eight sector meetings held to review Local Government PRDP work plans

    3. Twelve-monthly coordination meetings held at the OPM Gulu regional office on PRDP implementation

    4. Staff in Northern Uganda department trained for performance enhancement

    5. Monitoring and support supervision of NUYDC conducted

    6. Monitoring and supervision of construction of Lango Chiefs Complex and Low-Cost Houses

Pacification and development

1. 100,000 hand hoes procured and distributed in Northern Uganda

2. 350 ox-ploughs procured and distributed to youth and women groups and families of children with nodding disease

3. 700 oxen procured and distributed to youth and women groups and families of children with nodding disease

4. 10,000 iron sheets procured and distributed in Northern Uganda

5. Benchmarking tours undertaken in developing countries

6. PRDP documentation printed

7. PRDP activities published and disseminated

Restocking Programme

1. 18,600 cattle procured for the Subregions of West Nile, Lango, Teso and Acholi

2. Coordination, Monitoring and Inspection visits on Restocking carried out.

Transfers to Government units

Northern Uganda Youth Development Centre (NUYDC) supported to enhance vocational skills development

Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

1. Commencement of the construction of Lango Chiefs complex

2. 24 Low cost houses constructed for vulnerable groups (former IDPs) in Northern Uganda

Key Achievements

Implementation of PRDP coordinated and monitored
  1. Held two PRDP technical working group meetings
  2. Monitored and Inspected Presidential pledges implemented
  3. Held Six subregional planning meeting to prepare annual work plans for the PRDP grant
  4. Held 4 monthly coordination meetings at the OPM Gulu regional office on PRDP implementation