
Coordinate timely response to disasters and provide food and non-food relief to disaster victims.


  1. Develop a national contingency plan for floods, lanslides and drought risk Preparedness;
  2. Procure food and non-food items for disaster victims;
  3. Clear mine fields in the North and Rwenzori regions and create mine risk education,
  4. Address disaster vulnerabilities of the community and alleviate human suffering from disasters,
  5. Coordinate the international community and government actors to provide for the basic needs of Internally Displaced Persons
  6. Support livelihoods of disaster victims.


Relief to disaster victims

1,000 MT of Relief food and 2,000 assorted Non Food Items procured and distributed

Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

  1. Namanve stores building, fencing and connection of utilities completed
  2. Completion of back filling undertaken
  3. BOQs and designs for NECOC building made
  4. Eviction of encroachers and Wall Fencing off Land in Kisugu
  5. Ground prepared for future construction of NECOC HQs
  6. Design for large Relief stores completed
  7. Secutity house constructed in Namanve

Key Achievements

Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

  1. Designs were completed for large Relief stores and construction is on-going, where the building is roofed and wall built.
  2. BOQs done and advertisement documents completed contractor to do the Wall fence in Namanve
  3. Constructed 4 houses in Kiryandongo and handed over by Habitat for Humanity.
  4. Constructed 60 permanent houses, 30 pit latrines with two bathrooms and 60 water harvesting tanks
  5. Produced BoQs for construction of Wall fence for a new store building, advertisement of the contractor to build wall fence submitted to Procurement Unit.
  6. Produced BoQs for backfilling of 3 acres and documents for the advertisement for a contractor done.
  7. Completed 80 houses and 110 latrines under Hydra foam
  8. Procurement of 2 trailers (wagons) and a land cruiser 70 series on-going.
  9. Branding of vehicles for the Department on-going Submitted documents for the advertisement to procurement Unit