i) Support, build and enhance systems for evidence-based policy making. It is envisaged that in the medium term, this initiative will improve efficiency in service delivery.
ii) Grow & strengthen GEF as a useful instrument for policy reviews.
iii) Build capacity for evaluators in Uganda.
iv) Advocating to increase the demand for and use of quality evaluations.
v) Generating, storing & sharing knowledge on development in Uganda
- Evaluation initiatives in the public sector coordinated.
- Easier and increased access to training resources (documentation, published papers, standards and information links) on quantitative and qualitative methods for impact evaluation/assessment.
- Practical web-based resource materials provided including the latest M&E methodologies, case studies, tips, guides, handbooks, best practices and international standards & regulations.
- The capacity of individuals and organizations to effectively implement Project/Programme Evaluations improved.
Key Activities
Functioning National Monitoring and Evaluation
- Needs assessments for evaluations in various sectors carried out.
- Rigorous evaluations designed for various Gov’t policies/programs
- Rigorous evaluation studies conducted on various public policies and investments
- GEF Evaluation Web-portal developed
- Evaluations database repository updated
- Systematic review of Evaluations studies conducted in Uganda
- Retooling of M&E department to enhance evaluation capacity
- Evaluation capacity of MDAs & Local Gov’ts strengthened-Evaluation study findings disseminated
Key Achievements
- Reviewed GEF document and system
- Developed Validation checklists and templates
- Prepared Draft Terms of Reference for development of GEF Web-portal
- Completed Capacity building of MDAs & Local Gov’ts in M&E and report writing/review.
- Developed requirements collection template and sent out to various M&E data/information users in OPM
- Online discussion forum for Evaluation community in Uganda Established.
- Prepared a list of 10 policy briefs on evaluations; submitted to 3ie
- Initiated process of evaluating departments, projects & programs managed within OPM -Vote 003
- Reviewed the ToRs for the Evaluation of the Hard-to-Reach Top up allowance Scheme
- Contracted 4 firms to carry out process evaluations and propose rigorous and policy-relevant impact evaluation designs
- Initiated process of evaluating departments, projects & programs managed within OPM -Vote 003
- Designed Framework for preparation of Policy briefs for 10 evaluation studies
- Updated the Evaluation repository with 3 new reports
- Reviewed the ToRs for the Evaluation of the Hard-to-Reach Top-up allowance Scheme
- Held Theory of Change workshops for all 4 evaluations.
- Held Evaluations design clinic for Sector officers
- Supported 1 Event sharing workshop held for the Uganda Committee of Practice (UCoP)
- Supported 1 coordination meeting held for 100-days targets under UCoP
- Supported Data collection for evaluation of Uganda’s Competitiveness & Investment Climate Strategy (CICS)