
i) Support, build and enhance systems for evidence-based policy making. It is envisaged that in the medium term, this initiative will improve efficiency in service delivery.

ii) Grow & strengthen GEF as a useful instrument for policy reviews.

iii) Build capacity for evaluators in Uganda.

iv) Advocating to increase the demand for and use of quality evaluations.

v) Generating, storing & sharing knowledge on development in Uganda


  1. Evaluation initiatives in the public sector coordinated.
  2. Easier and increased access to training resources (documentation, published papers, standards and information links) on quantitative and qualitative methods for impact evaluation/assessment.
  3. Practical web-based resource materials provided including the latest M&E methodologies, case studies, tips, guides, handbooks, best practices and international standards & regulations.
  4. The capacity of individuals and organizations to effectively implement Project/Programme Evaluations improved.

Key Activities

Functioning National Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. Needs assessments for evaluations in various sectors carried out.
  2. Rigorous evaluations designed for various Gov’t policies/programs
  3. Rigorous evaluation studies conducted on various public policies and investments
  4. GEF Evaluation Web-portal developed
  5. Evaluations database repository updated
  6. Systematic review of Evaluations studies conducted in Uganda
  7. Retooling of M&E department to enhance evaluation capacity
  8. Evaluation capacity of MDAs & Local Gov’ts strengthened-Evaluation study findings disseminated

Key Achievements

  1. Reviewed GEF document and system
  2. Developed Validation checklists and templates
  3. Prepared Draft Terms of Reference for development of GEF Web-portal
  4. Completed Capacity building of MDAs & Local Gov’ts in M&E and report writing/review.
  5. Developed requirements collection template and sent out to various M&E data/information users in OPM
  6. Online discussion forum for Evaluation community in Uganda Established.
  7. Prepared a list of 10 policy briefs on evaluations; submitted to 3ie
  8. Initiated process of evaluating departments, projects & programs managed within OPM -Vote 003
  9. Reviewed the ToRs for the Evaluation of the Hard-to-Reach Top up allowance Scheme
  10. Contracted 4 firms to carry out process evaluations and propose rigorous and policy-relevant impact evaluation designs
  11. Initiated process of evaluating departments, projects & programs managed within OPM -Vote 003
  12. Designed Framework for preparation of Policy briefs for 10 evaluation studies
  13. Updated the Evaluation repository with 3 new reports
  14. Reviewed the ToRs for the Evaluation of the Hard-to-Reach Top-up allowance Scheme
  15. Held Theory of Change workshops for all 4 evaluations.
  16. Held Evaluations design clinic for Sector officers
  17. Supported 1 Event sharing workshop held for the Uganda Committee of Practice (UCoP)
  18. Supported 1 coordination meeting held for 100-days targets under UCoP
  19. Supported Data collection for evaluation of Uganda’s Competitiveness & Investment Climate Strategy (CICS)