Mr. Alex Kakooza
Permanent Secretary
Ms. Patricia L.E
Under Secretary, Finance and Administration
To mobilize financial, Human, and Physical resources to enable the Office of the Prime Minister to deliver its key outputs taking care of proper utilization of and accounting for the resources released for use by the Vote.
Provide administrative leadership to the Ministry, Coordination, and management of Procurements and management of financial, human, and physical resources
- Commencement of phase II civil construction works of the OPM Stores in Namanve;
- Paid salaries for mainstream staff and Contract staff by 28th of every month;
- Pension and gratuity for former staff paid;
- Procured automobile tools for Projects;
- Prepared budget and Ministerial Policy statements
- Monitored budget performance for FY 2019/20
- Transferred subvention for UVAB
- Coordinated Senior Management Meeting and Top Management Meetings
Principal Human Resource Officer
Objective: To coordinate and manage highly skilled and professional Human Resources.
Activities: Provision of Human Resource Management Services Provision of Records Management Services
- Verification of active and pension payrolls;
- Payment of salaries for mainstream staff and Contract staff by 28th of every month;
- Payment of Pension and gratuity for former staff;
- Coordinated recruitment for mainstream staff and contract/project staff
- Carried out Training Needs Assessment;
- Facilitated training/capacity building for staff in various fields;
- Carried out the orientation of newly deployed staff;
- Supported indisposed staff and bereaved staff;
- Coordinated the wellness programme through the Sports Club, Health Camps and participation incorporate wellness activities;
- Coordinated Performance Agreements and Performance Appraisals;
- Dispatched outgoing correspondences;
- Conducted file census;
- Operationalized the circulation of OPM flimsy files;
- Updated individual personal filed
Mr. Apollo Kivumbi
Assistant Commissioner/Finance & Planning
Objective: To ensure proper planning, budgeting, policy formulation and efficient allocation of resources for the Office of the Prime Minister.
- Prepare Ministerial Policy Statements for the Office of the Prime Minister
- Provide technical support on Policy, Planning and Budgeting across the departments in the OPM
- Prepare periodic budget estimates for the OPM
- Prepare, Monitor and Evaluate the Strategic Plan for OPM
- Perform M&E for Internal Policies, Programmes and Projects for OPM including Mid-Term and Completion.
- Preparation and submission of performance reports
- Provided technical support to all departments in OPM on budget execution
- Prepared Budget estimates for OPM
- Compiled and submitted Budget Framework Paper for OPM to the PSM Secretariat
- Conducted planning visits to upcountry OPM offices
- Produced periodic Physical performance reports for OPM
- Produced periodic budget performance reports
Mr. Wycliffe Mugume
Assistant Commissioner/Internal Audit
To provide Internal Audit, Assurance, Consulting and Advisory Services
- Internal Audit on Human Resource Management.
- Internal Audit on Financial statements.
- Internal Audit on general administrative services (e.g. fleet management, physical security etc.)
- Internal Audit on Policy and Planning Activities
- Internal Audit on Procurements and Disposals.
- Internal Audit on IEC (ICT, RIM, registry/library, etc.) and off budget outputs
- Internal Audit on Monitoring and Evaluation (MDAs, LGs, NGOs, and other Public Institutions)
- Internal Audit on cost and control performance (MDAs and LGs)
- Internal Audit on Disaster Preparedness and Management.
- Internal Audit on Refugee Management (Humanitarian assistance and support to Refugee settlements)
- Internal Audit on Affirmative Action Initiatives and Programmes.
- Prepared Internal Audit reports on Financial Accounts
- Held Audit Committee Meetings
- Issued assurance notes for Accountabilities, Payments, Contracts and Procurements
- Verified deliveries to the OPM stores
- Prepare Asset Management report on Northern Uganda Youth Development Centre
- Conducted quality assurance on the consistency in implementation of the OPM Policies, programmes and projects
Mr. Robert Lwasa
Principal Systems Administrator
To leverage Information Technology in the delivery of the mandate of the OPM.
- Increasing access to ICT infrastructure;
- Enhancing usage and application of ICT services in service delivery; and
- Improving Information Security to ensure security, reliability, resilience and capability of responding to cybersecurity threats.
- Connection to the National Backbone Infrastructure (NBI) / Broadband at the Head office & remote offices e.g. NUSAF3, DRDIP, Gulu and Hoima Regional Offices;
- Utilisation of the National Data Centre to host different IT applications;
- Operationalization of the Unified Messaging and Collaboration System (Incl. Email & Intranet);
- Development, Support and Maintenance of Management Information Systems to support evidence-based decision making e.g. NUSAF3, DRDIP, PIMIS, GEF, AKASIIMO, URRMS, etc.
- Maintained online presence through the official website and Social Media platform
- Performed IP Audit of the LAN;
- Firewall deployment on the LAN;
- Setup and maintained the Active Domain (AD),
- Deployed Managed, Secure and Shared printing facilities,
- Installed & Operationalised the Biometric Time and Attendance System
- Facilitated access to IT tools (from specification compilation to configuration/deployment)
Ms. Yerusa Nyangoma
Assistant Commissioner/PDU
To mobilize financial, Human, and Physical resources to enable the Office of the Prime Minister to deliver its key outputs taking care of proper utilization of and accounting for the resources released for use by the Vote.
Provide administrative leadership to the Ministry, Coordination, and management of Procurements and management of financial, human, and physical resources
Key Activities
Government policy implementation coordination
- National Coordination Policy operationalized
- The National Development Plan II Coordinated
- Progress report on the implementation of recommendations of the Fifth Presidential Investors’ Tables (PIRT V) produced
- GOU-SME etc ) established and operationalized.
- Joint Public Sector Management Review (JPSMR) conducted.
- The National Nutrition Policy Developed
- The National Advocacy and Communication Strategy, for the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan (UNAP) operationalized
- Nutrition Forum held
- Public Sector Management -Sector BFP developed.
Key Achievements
- Facilitated the approval of the National Coordination Policy by Cabinet on 25th September 2015
- Facilitated the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda. These have been aligned to the National Development Plan II and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Uganda.
- Generated a draft report, indicating the progress made in implementing recommendations of PIRT and Minerals Value Addition Sub-Sector.
- Produced a report on the implementation of GAPR recommendations of FY 14/15 which was included in the GAPR report for FY 14/15
- Constituted and operationalized the PIRT technical working groups. These deliberate on the modalities of operationalizing the PIRT phase IV recommendations.
Mr. Wycliffe Mwambu
Assistant Commissioner, Accounts
To coordinate the implementation of efficient and effective financial management practices that enhance accountability of public resources in the Office of Prime Minister.
- Coordinate the implementation of Financial Management Reforms by ensuring compliance with Public Finance Management Act 2015 (PFMA 2015), Public Finance Management Regulations 2016 (PFMR 2016), Financial Manuals, Policies, Instructions and Circulars.
- Give technical advice and monitor approved budgets, commitments, expenditures, Accounts payables, Accounts receivables, Revenue and take corrective action where necessary.
- Preparation of periodical Financial reports and other required financial information for decision making.
- Support and coordinate both internal and external financial audit processes of OPM.
- Ensure timely processing of payments to be effected by OPM both internal and external.
- Ensure a successful operation of internal controls to mitigate financial risks at OPM.
- Ensure that adequate provisions exist for the safe custody of cash, assets, valuable documents and information at OPM.
- Both annual and in-year financial statements prepared and submitted in time.
- Budget implementation and accountability
- Non-qualified opinion received from the Auditor General
- Adequate internal controls implemented
- Safe custody of assets, cash and stores for other assets managed by responsible officers.
- Maintained a high level of integrity.