
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to increased income and reduced poverty among the pastoral populations in Uganda.

The development objective of the project is to strengthen the livelihood and reduce the vulnerability of pastoralists and agro-pastoralist in the Karamoja region of Northern Uganda.

This objective will be achieved through

(a) strengthening the pastoralist production system,

(b) improving access to basic rural production and market infrastructure as well as basic social services.

More specifically, the drylands project will implement interventions aimed at holistically addressing challenges faced by pastoralists that directly contribute to the objective of reducing vulnerability, building resilience and accelerating the achievement of the MDGs.

The economic potential of these pastoral areas is huge and can greatly contribute to national GDP once properly exploited with adequate investment.


(a)Enhanced Productivity of Livestock and Dryland Agriculture

(b)Improved Rural and Market infrastructure

(c)Improving access to health care, nutrition and education in rural areas

(d)Enhanced Community Business Development

Key Activities

  •  Supported Agriculture and Livestock productivity
  • Built Rural and Market  Infrastructure
  • Improved Access to Basic Social Services

During the FY 2017/2018 the Expected outputs for the Dry Lands Integrated Development Project will include the following:

  1. The productivity of Dryland  Agriculture and Livestock enhancement.
  2. Construction of Rural & Market Infrastructure i.e  7 parish level valley Tanks, 100 km of Rural road Maintainance, Construction of 15km district road, 8 sub-surface dam construction and Construction of 5 roof catchment systems for Schools
  3. Access to Basic Social Services improved i.e Provision of 2 Community ambulances, 5 Mobile clinics, and 20 additional rooms for Health  Clinics and Health centres constructed.
  4. Support for Community Development i.e 5 SACCOs established and seed capital provisioned, 5 Cooperatives established and revolving fund provided.