Ensure harmony and coherence in policy and programme implementation; and promote and facilitate cooperation and collaboration among MDAs in the policy development and implementation processes.
- National Coordination Policy operationalized;
- The National Development Plan II Coordinated;
- Progress report on the implementation of recommendations of the Fifth Presidential Investors’ Tables (PIRT V) produced;
- Joint Public Sector Management Review (JPSMR) for conducted;
- The National Advocacy and Communication Strategy, for the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan (UNAP), operationalized
- Ensuring that all bills and motions are tabled at the right time
- Monitoring proceedings in both the Committees and the Plenary and responding to salient issues that keep arising
- Constituting Government agenda based on matters of National Importance raised by MDAs, Members of Parliament and the Public
- Ensuring that all Ministerial Statements are tabled at the right time among others
Key Activities
Government policy implementation coordination
1. National Coordination Policy operationalized
2. The National Development Plan II Coordinated
3. Progress report on the implementation of recommendations of the Fifth Presidential Investors’ Tables (PIRT V) produced
4. GOU-SME etc ) established and operationalized.
5. Joint Public Sector Management Review (JPSMR) conducted.
6. The National Nutrition Policy Developed
7. The National Advocacy and Communication Strategy, for the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan (UNAP) operationalized
8. Nutrition Forum held
9. Public Sector Management -Sector BFP developed.
Key Achievements
- Organized and facilitated the National Partnership Forum. This developed an agenda for inculcating results across Government
- Developed a Cabinet Memorandum with recommendations relating to key policy issues of; i) Deciding the home for home training institutions, ii) The sale of expired human and animal drugs and iii) Taxation of milk and agricultural machinery and milk.
- Developed a Presidential Investors Round Table progress implementation report for Phase V.
- Disseminated the coordination framework for implementing SDGs to Cabinet and Parliamentarians.
- Developed a draft PSM-Joint review report which provide measures on strengthening the Sector Working Groups.
- Facilitated the approval of the National Coordination Policy by Cabinet
- Facilitated the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda. These have been aligned to the National Development Plan II and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Uganda.
- Generated a draft report, indicating the progress made in implementing recommendations of PIRT and Minerals Value Addition Sub-Sector.
- Produced a report on the implementation of GAPR recommendations of which was included in the GAPR report
- Constituted and operationalized the PIRT technical working groups . These deliberate on the modalities of operationalizing the PIRT phase IV recommendations.
- Finalized and submitted the PSM Sector Budget Framework Paper for to the Ministry of Finance planning and Economic Development.
- Held the African Day for Food and Nutrition Security
- Finalized the A concept note for the development of the PSM-Sector development Plan and initiated the resource mobilization strategy
- Drafted a draft action plan for the Ugandan Child and the day for the State of the Ugandan Child was commemorated.
- Developed an issues paper with the key crosscutting issues that affect Sectoral performance.
- Drafted a framework for coordinating the implementation of the NDP that will be operationalized through a series of Sector Engagement workshops that are to discuss the level of alignment of sector plans to the NDP II.
- Finalized consultations with Ministry of internal Affairs and the NGO Forum in which It was agreed to have a Joint Forum for all NGOs.
- Finalized a data base of NGOs partnering with OPM and the first engagement.
- Finalized the regional Consultations for the development of the National Nutrition Policy.
- Hired a consultant to develop the National Nutrition Policy
- Finalized the Nutrition stakeholder activity mapping exercise
- Agreed on a framework for coordination and implementation of the UNDAF
- Constituted the inter-ministerial committee for implementing the Uganda Family Planning –Costed Implementation Plan.
- Discussed The final report on implementation of the recommendations from the Presidential retreat on the Minerals Sector in Statehouse in August and subsequently a new phase of implementation launched with new undertakings